史都華六軸 - 飛機型

運動模擬器 - 飛機型

運動模擬器 - 飛機型

Datasheet Download : Datasheet VHT_Full Flight

Electric 6DOF Motion System
Van Halteren Technologies offers electrically driven motion systems for today’s and tomorrow’s simulation market. The proven in practice design is a synergy of our Drive and Control skills and proficient application
knowledge. All motion system components are in-house COTS products from the VHT program.

Typical Applications:
• Full Flight Simulators and Full Mission Simulators forboth Aircraft and Helicopters
• The system meets or exceeds all relevant ICAO,JAA, FAA Level D requirements for aircraft and helicopter simulators as
   stated in ICAO 9625,JAR-FSTD-A, JARFSTD-H, AC 120-40C, AC 120-63 and 14 CFR Part 60
• Customized motion cueing tuning
• Creation of a motion ride file
• Installation, commissioning, finetuning,operator and maintenance training
• Envelope study of customer’s specific payload geometry
• Service/Maintenance contract